Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I love the smell of a bag of Halloween candy. You know, Halloween candy really is the best.

As my friends and I dumped out our candy treasure tonight on the lounge floor we traded and made candy pictures out of our sorted candy. The candy pictures was new but the trading was good old fashion fun. We reminisced about our days of convincing our friends that by sheer volume our lesser candy was worth their better candy, e.g. 10 smarties for your king size Snickers. Somehow, we always got away with it.

I also remembered the days when I was only allowed to eat a certain amount of Halloween candy per day. My mom used to hide our candy on the years we were really out of control with our candy intake and as I sit here on my dorm floor, this is one instance when I'm glad she's not here. I could eat all this candy tonight if I wanted. I won't but the thought that I could is thrilling.

I hate reaching into my bag of Halloween candy and finding old wrappers in there, because first it tricks you into thinking you still have a watermelon Airhead when really you were drooling so much you just ate it right away and second it reminds you that your gargantuan candy stash is in fact diminishing. And that's a very depressing thought because unlike fruit cakes at Christmas, Halloween Candy should really last all year long. As I said before, its just the best.

In true Halloween fashion, candy was the first thing I ate this morning and the last thing I'll eat tonight.

Happy Halloween everyone!

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