Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mama would be proud

My first job in a restaurant was at an awesome Italian restaurant where some of our pastas were fresh. I distinctly remember the first bowl of home made pasta I had from our kitchen. It was pappardelle with chicken and pesto. Pappardelle are long, wide noodles with a crinkly edge. I made them tonight in class and thought of my boss's mom, Mama. She would have appreciated the 4 large platters of pasta with 4 different sauces (Spinach Pesto, Tomato, Garlic Cream Reduction, and Spicy Meat) we made tonight and then ate family style because she loved feeding people in the restaurant. Each team in the kitchen was assigned a different sauce and then we all made 1 lb of pasta dough. We presented two ravioli, with mushroom ricotta filling, and 2 oz of fettuccine to chef but the rest of the dough was our's for "playing"-- which meant we could shape it however we wanted. We made mezze luna, tortellini (2 ways: from a round piece of dough and a square piece of dough), farfalle, linguine, and papparedelle.

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