Friday, October 29, 2010

Should I get out of bed today?

Yes. I know that out of all the decisions we make in a day, getting out of bed is often overlooked but I think its an important decision because nothing else would happen if you didn't say yes to that first question. Today was one of those days where I was particularly glad I said yes. I was feeling especially tired after a week of working at the CMC exam in the morning and going to class in the afternoons.

What made me particularly glad that I got out bed was that I got the opportunity to work with Chef Dan Dumont as his apprentice. This meant gathering his ingredients, measuring ingredients, cleaning, and any other task he assigned me. It was such an honor. Not only was it amazing to be trusted with the responsibility of measuring ingredients for the Certified Master Chef exam, but it was an honor to work with Dan Dumont. I was excited by his attention to detail, organization, and good sense. As he made a green apple mousse, he took two spoons to taste, one for himself and one for me. He didn't ask for my opinion or need anything from me, he was just sharing. Not only can Chef Dumont cook delicious food but he takes delight in sharing it with other people and I love that.

Sharing food continued as my class served Trout Almandine with sauteed squash and tomatoes, green beans, and tourne potatoes as one option. We also had Chicken Fines Herbs (tarragon, parsley, chervil, chives), fresh noodles, green beans, and baby carrots. There was also a delicious Lentil Soup and Red Wine Soaked Cherry Salad... mmmmm those cherries were yummy.

Also, thank you Danny for stopping by my kitchen earlier this week. Your moral support is greatly appreciated :)

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