Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"You must have the courage of your convictions!!!"

She sang it out in only the way her sing-songy voice would carry such a phrase and encouraged Americans at home to get off the couch and into the kitchen. The courage of your convictions.

I think that is a most beautiful phrase because it is a stronger, deeper way of saying believe in what you believe in. Be convicted about things and form opinions.

Tonight, we made Trout Meuniere which can only conjure up images of one person: Julia Child. She credits this dish as being one of the most influential in her life. While she shared this meal with her husband Paul in France, she realized just how much she loved food. And I love her. Julia Child brought cooking to Americans in a way that was approachable, honest, and fun; everything I believe cooking should be. I smiled tonight as I cooked a dish I know Julia has eaten before and mused over the way food connects us through time and space.

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