Friday, October 22, 2010

The Hudson Valley and my Practical

As you can see the Hudson Valley is a lovely place. I rode my bike up to the post office in town today and saw so many wonderful things, these photos don't really do them justice. Now, I know everyone who takes pictures of places they love says that but I have put off posting pictures up to this point because I felt none of them were truly capturing the essence of the Hudson Valley's beauty. These photos don't either but I had to push my perfectionist aside and just share what I could gather with a point and shoot camera.

I have always lived in the same town, so when I moved to Hyde Park, NY this summer I was uncomfortable. I didn't know these people, I hadn't shopped in these grocery stores, I didn't meet my friends at these Starbucks, or go to these churches, everything was new and at first I didn't like it. I of course, loved my school and my campus, but as soon as I got off campus, things felt foreign. However, after seeing a movie at the Hyde Park Drive-In (pictured above) this summer, running at Vanderbilt Estate with the changing fall leaves, eating at the neighborhood Applebee's, shopping at the grocery store, and getting gas from the Sunoco, I am starting to feel more comfortable. As I passed by F.D.R.'s home on my bike ride, I read a familiar sign out front with the quote on it, "All that is within me cries out to go back to my home on the Hudson River", and for the first time I really understood why. Hyde Park is becoming home, and I really like that.

I'm really glad the CIA is located in such a good place, not only for living but also for food. There are farms galore, independent restaurants, and artisans passionate about particular foods. Local wheat, cheese, milk (especially Chocolate Milk in the dining hall), rhubarb, foie gras, grapes, pumpkins, and apples can all be found here. And that's just right now, but during the summer farmer's markets are full of beautiful fresh tomatoes, sweet berries, crispy lettuces, sweet corn, herbs and so much more. The Hudson Valley is an incredible place for food.

Now the final picture you see above is my plate for my final exam for Skills II, it is known as a practical exam, or practical for short. The plate consisted of:

Beef Tournedos (rounded filet mignon) with Sauce Chausseur
Broccoli Rabe
Onion Rings
Potato Gratin

Sauce Chausseur is referred to as a derivative sauce because it is a Mother Sauce with added ingredients: Espagnole, brandy, tomatoes, mushrooms, and tarragon. My filets were overcooked and my onion rings were too brown but my sauce, broccoli rabe, and potatoes fell into the "excellent" category, which made me happy. It would have been even better if everything had fallen into the "excellent" category, but that's why I'm here--to learn how to be better.

My sister's favorite word is Meliora, which in Latin tranlates to "always better". I didn't like that at first because I think we should appreciate small successes when we have them and not overlook accomplishments because we are so focused on always wanting to be better. But with the appreciation of what I've done so far, I still remember "always better".

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