Monday, November 1, 2010

wish you were here

The view here today was spectacular. It has been annoyingly warm here for the past week and yesterday Mother Nature finally decided to realize it was almost November and it should be cold. So today on the first day of November, it was wonderfully chilly and awesomely sunny.

The kitchen today was not chilly or sunny, it was however late. We were making Breaded Pork Cutlets, glazed beets, braised kale, and spatzle, one of my favorite meals here. Then we also made Filet Mignon, Cauliflower, green beens, and potato gratin. As I mentioned before, we were late for service and for every minute we're late, we have 1 page to write. And then for each minute we are late to lecture (8 p.m.) we get 1 page. Tonight was 7 minutes late for service and 18 minutes late for lecture. That's 25 pages... Chef gave us the option to gamble Double or nothing... so we're either going to have a 50 page paper due Wednesday or nothing at all. We can be on time tomorrow, I have faith.

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