Thursday, October 21, 2010

its the end of the first semester :)

I literally feel like I just got here. I was walking through the Admissions building today and as I passed by the woman who answers the phone when you call 1-800-CULINARY I remembered all the times I had called her hoping she could help me get one step closer to my future. It's so neat to remember those phone calls and my sense of urgency and unsureness that I would ever actually go here because I am here now and this is my life. As I walked to my room and unlocked my door I remembered the first couple times I ever did that, and then the trip down memory lane got sweeter as I looked out my window and saw a view that resembled the photo that is famously reproduced to depict CIA. I kept a copy of this view in my backpack every day of my senior year to remind me where I hoped to be this year. It literally looks like that here.

I'm so glad I'm here.

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