Thursday, October 28, 2010

cooking and lyrics

My past two chefs have said "Clean your counter, you wouldn't play on a dirty piano right?!? CLEAN YOU KEYS!!!" when they wanted us to clean the area right in front of the stove top where food drops, grease builds up, and liquid spills. But the connection between cooking and music doesn't end there. Last night there was an Open Mic Night to raise money for Breast Cancer Research and it was a fabulous display of talent. I didn't realize how badly I needed to hear live music and that's such a good feeling when you are submersed in the music and it just fills your body. I hadn't felt that way in a while and its similar to the fullness I get when I'm around food but it fills a different part of me. Tonight, Chef was playing the Alma Mater over the kitchen speakers, which he likes to do while we tourne. A tourne is a 6-7 sided shape, 1 inch wide by 2 inches long, carved down and very, VERY classical French. Its actually pretty outdated in the restaurant world but tournes are alive and well here at the CIA. So when we tourne, we also listen to the Alma Mater. Its a lovely combination. Seriously :)

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