Friday, September 2, 2011

inspiring people

Reason #2 why I came to CIA: the people (students, professors, chefs, alumni)

I like to believe that every person in this world has something to offer every other person. Its people like two of my friends here that give me reason to believe I might be right. Today in particular, I was inspired by two of my stunning classmates.

Inspiring Friend #1 has a beautiful blog complete with lovely words, poignant photography, and mouth-watering recipes. Check it out here!

Inspiring Friend #2 was talking about how as we get older we tend to lose our sense of wonder with the world. She said, "I wish I could love everything the way a five year-old loves everything." And I couldn't agree more. Her comment made me lean in close to the saute pan this evening as butter sizzled and melted into a bubbling pool that sauteed a steak for my dinner. When I was a child, solid fat that melted into liquid was as close to miracle status as anything I had ever experienced. Remember the things that impressed you as a 5 year-old? Allow yourself to be impressed again.

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