Friday, September 9, 2011

Awesome #435 and 532

One of my favorite blogs/ideas in the whole world is appreciating the little things in life that are actually Awesome. One groovy guy has compiled a whole list of Awesome things in the form of a blog, which I naturally think is Awesome.

I have running list of Awesome in my head (with numbers assigned in no particular order), and two things got added to the list today:

#435: recognizing the right answer on a test
You are checking over a test after you have bubbled in all your answers on the scantron sheet, (that my third grade self used to anxiously wonder "did I bring a #2 pencil today?!?!" I was always relieved to find that I had. I'm pretty sure 99.9999% of pencils are #2.) and recognizing the right answer like a sunflower in the dessert of a question you had previously doubted. But now you see the correct choice, clear as day. This happened to me today during my Costing Exam final. Love me some right answer(s).

#532: finishing L-block
Usually Awesome things are daily occurences we can all relate to. I understand most people have not been through L-block, so I'll compare it to finishing a marathon and finally getting that bagel you were running for the whole time, or eating a whole box of cereal to get to the toy at the bottom, or writing a whole novel so you can sell millions of copies, or tightening the last screw on your antique model car so you can drive around town and pick up hot babes--- whatever your goals are, it feels good to finish one part and start reaping the sweet success of your hard work. That's how I feel on this Friday night. Yes, I am one step closer to graduation, but what really tickles my fancy right now is that I've finished my classroom time and I'm back in the kitchens. Cooking in a kitchen is my new toy at the bottom of a cereal box, it's been good so far but its only about to get better.

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