Wednesday, September 28, 2011

eating lemon peels

....was delicious!!!

I never thought I would like eating raw (not candied or sugared) lemon peels but in lemon sorbet, raw chunks of lemon rind are sooooOOooooOOoOOoO deliciously refreshing. It's starting to get cold and summer is slowly slipping away, but today for 6 bites of lemon sorbet I thought it was hot outside and school was about to get out for summer break.

Lemons were juiced, mixed with water and sugar until a clean egg would float with only about a nickel size amount of shell poking out of the sweet/sour mixture. This fancy little trick works to measure the amount of sugar needed in a sorbet mixture because of the density of the sugar in the water against the measured density of a raw egg. For those chemistry folks, the egg acted as a make-shift hydrometer. How cool!!

The lemons that had been juiced, were chopped into 1/2 inch chunks and added to the sorbet mixture after it had been frozen in our ice cream machine.

Chef reminded us that we have 4 basic tastes--sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. The sorbet was already sweet and sour, so why not add another taste element---bitter? He was so spot on. The peel was a perfect addition to an already splendid food.

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