Tuesday, September 13, 2011

bakeshop sweet bakeshop

That was a very tired attempt at a rendition of "home sweet home". That I'm explaining it is an indicator that I should press backspace and just delete my lame attempt at humor, but I'm just too tired and happy to care. So there it is, bakeshop sweet bakeshop.

I got back into my whites today, unrolled my knife kit, and tucked my hair into my toque. If the day had ended there, it would have been good enough. However, my day went on to include fresh bread, strawberry shortcake made with buttermilk biscuits, peanut butter cookies, a cute lady who knew my hometown, and a wonderful community.

I started Baking and Pastry Skills Development this morning bright and early at 5:45 a.m. This is the only baking/pastry class I will take here as a culinary arts student. My classmates produce the bread served in Banquets (the required 3 course meal for new students) and of course we needed to taste test the product... of course! Rough life, I know. We also had to taste our strawberry shortcake dessert that was made for the faculty dining room. Needless to say, these were not difficult tastings to handle, they were in fact beyond enjoyable. My team made peanut butter cookie dough that was wrapped and refrigerated. I assume it will be used later this week--- more to come on that mass of butter, sugar, and peanutty love. I am training to become a tour guide and a sweet lady with family in my hometown happened to be on the tour I was shadowing. I enjoyed hearing her wildly compliment the place I grew up. Finally, tonight a club I am leading with my friend had a successful meeting complete with fantastic company and home-made caramel apples. It was truly a lovely day.

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