Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tandoori Ovens

... bake some of the most delicious bread in the world. Yes, I am speaking of Nann. We made the most lovely, moist, chewy, buttery, flavorful bread in the Tandoori Oven tonight. Whether it was the oven, the dough, or the people making the bread, I can't decide but all I know is that the bread was beyond comforting and the oven was so cool.

A tandoori oven is shaped sort of like a giant bowl-- kind of. It gets between 800-1,000°F and is traditionally made of clay. There are no racks inside like a traditional oven and you load things down into the tremendous heat, rather than horizontally, front loading items into an oven. To make nann, one stretches out hunks of soft, silky dough and then presses them against the sides of the wicked hot oven with a towel ball. The dough bakes and rises into a crispy, golden shell housing steaming, chewy dough in about 3-5 minutes. It is then brushed with melted butter.

If you get just a little bit lucky, 1 piece of bread will not properly adhere to the side of the oven, and OH NO! it drops to the bottom of oven meaning there is absolutely no way you could serve it to a customer, and in order to quickly solve the problem, you just have to eat it. This might happen to you, if you get the tiniest bit of luck.

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