Friday, December 3, 2010


I thought of this video today in homage to my 12th grade English teacher from one of my classmates. It is illustrating my friend's vocab word of the week. The video reminded me of what I wanted to say to time today. It is the last day of Cuisines of the Americas and I just wanted time to stop. I love this kitchen, I am fascinated by my chef, and I've fallen in love with American food. I was also overwhelmed by the amount of work that needed to be done and the amount of time I had to do it. The combination of appreciation and feeling overwhelmed made me want to press stop for just a minute today. Sometimes you just need a minute to breathe, reorganize, and recover. In the kitchen, you don't have that luxury. While the quick pace of the kitchen makes some people crazy, its also one of the reasons some of us are here. So time, go right ahead and zoom along because I know that's what you're going to do anyway, but just know that on rare occasions I do wish you would stop, if only for a moment.

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