Tuesday, December 7, 2010

jasmine tea and grapes

My Chef gave us Jasmine tea and grapes tonight after class as we sat and reviewed the day. She taught us how to enjoy the tea, putting the cup beneath her nose, she breathed deeply. "Smell..." she smiled. "Appreciate, the tea, and thank the person who made it for you." At this point everyone turned to me and thanked me because I had made the tea. It felt corny at the time but it also made me happy because I'm glad manners are still being taught, even in college. Then she slowly put the cup to her lips and took a sip. "Oh, this tea is hot. Don't burn yourself!" She smiled as she brought her hand to her chest. She also strictly instructed us not to put sugar in our tea. "No milk, no cream--nothing! Just tea!" she said.

It was such a pleasant way to end the day. The warmth of the liquid just settled right into my belly in the most perfect of ways. She said that in China, they don't eat dessert every night, just some fruit-- "apples, tangerines, or something". As a child I would have been beyond disappointed if I had received fruit as my dessert. Tonight, I was beyond satisfied.

Why would a Chef share tea and grapes with you after a class? Because this is the Hospitality Industry, welcome.

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