Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dim Sum

My chef keeps telling us to read the Chinese written on the boxes, bottles, and bags of ingredients, which makes me laugh every time. In addition, she is having us practice writing Chinese, which I love.

Dim Sum is any combination of small bites of food. It can be dumplings, potstickers, spring rolls, steam buns, chicken feet, Chinese BBQ ribs, etc. We served our dim sum with a ginger soy dipping sauce and a crunchy cabbage salad.

For the cabbage salad: Mix some shredded cabbage with a generous amount of salt to draw out the moisture. Let the cabbage sit for 15 minutes, then squeeze it out. Mix rice vinegar, sugar, garlic, green onions, and a sprinkle of sesame oil to the drained cabbage to make a deliciously wonderful side dish.


  1. your D's look like a Disney D. Just saying.

  2. When our kids were little, we went to a Chinese restaurant on Mother's Day - for dim sum. They got a giggle saying to everyone at the table "dim sum o' dis, dim sum o' dat..." Now sometimes when we have leftover night (for dinner) they call it dim sum, because our table is covered with little dishes of lots of different things. BTW - we are loving all of your stories!

  3. thanks Cathy! I think leftover night should be called Dim Sum--- better marketing.
