Thursday, December 2, 2010

don't worry there will be days like this

Today was frustrating because my partner and I were not effective in our planning. I take comfort in knowing that days like today can be prevented because when working in a kitchen, it is vital to strategize. I know I have said that before, but every time I experience the complications and challenges of poor planning I need to reassure myself, so much stress in the kitchen can be eliminated with proper and effective planning. Set time limits and goals for each element of a dish. The beef must be in the oven by 3:00 p.m. and if its not, everyone needs to get on board to get that done. If the tortillas were supposed to be fried by 2:15 and its 2:45, do them now or re-organize and fit them in later. Deadlines give me a sense of urgency and understanding for the importance of a task. Time is spent more efficiently and energy is not wasted. I understand you must also be flexible and be able to adjust to unforseen challenges, but I can't help but crave the harmony of proper planning.

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