Friday, August 20, 2010

you know you go to culinary school when...

  1. There are eggplants growing in the flower pots
  2. People talk at a party about the difference in taste between iodized and kosher salt
  3. Your R.A. is doing his homework at the front desk which includes practicing his piping skills for cake decorating
  4. There is a question on a Math test about how many liters of Margarita you can make if you have 2 liters of tequila
  5. You have chocolate mousse in a molded chocolate shell with a caramelized hazelnut in your refrigerator
  6. The streets on campus are all named after herbs and spices (ex: Chive Ct.)
  7. You are flipping through 300+ flashcards of different kinds of produce to study for your test tomorrow
  8. Your mascot is a Steel (the kitchen tool used to straighten and hone knives)
  9. The pond on campus is nicknamed Lake Veloute (after one of Escoffier's 5 Mother Sauces that is a thickened chicken stock which looks green if you're thinking about it)
  10. Your friend has to go to class at 1:30 a.m. to start making breakfast for the other students
Today was the final day of B-block which included: Food Safety, Math, Product Knowledge, and Gastronomy. I will start meat class on Monday morning and I am looking forward to cutting up large amounts of raw beef. Seriously.

Happy Friday!

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