Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bryan Voltaggio and hamburgers

One of the many awesome things that happens here on campus are the cool people who come to visit us. For instance, Bryan Voltaggio did a demonstration of his version of a Caprese salad and talked about what he believes food is. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you thought Chef Bryan Voltaggio was cool already let me assure, he's even better in person. His down to earth, passionate, relatable, and fascinating personality made him a joy to watch. Sometimes, people with incredible accomplishments (he opened his restaurant, Volt in Frederick, MD, 2 years ago and the next time a table for 8 is available is 2012) can make you feel really nervous and insecure, but Chef Voltaggio did no such thing. He told us how honored he was to be here and that we should strive for the same thing, to be able to one day return to this place and do our own demonstration. My favorite Chef Voltaggio moments of the night boil down to:

  • it makes sense because it tastes good
  • don't be in a rush, soak it all in
  • Share.
  • the kitchen is about team work
  • Professionalism is important in the kitchen
  • take everything you know and make it your own-- "I didn't invent the Caprese Salad, I changed it. This is Bryan Voltaggio (points to the plate)."
  • eating his food
Another awesome thing that happens on campus is employment. I got an e-mail earlier this week asking for students to help set up for Thursday's and Friday's graduation. I just got back from setting up for tomorrow's graduation which is where the hamburger comes in. Besides making a little extra money, having a super convenient commute (a stroll across campus), and meeting new people, we also ate family meal together. Family Meal is one of the beautiful things that happens in a kitchen. The staff gathers around (sometimes around a table, other times just standing at their station, or on the go as they pass the food) and eats a meal. Today we ate hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, pickles, sauerkraut, salad, and fresh fruit. I had a hamburger, sauerkraut (with bacon lardons in it...mmmm!), salad, and wickedly sweet cantaloupe. The cantaloupe reminded me of what a wonderful time of year it is right now for fruits and vegetables... that kind of sweetness can't be replicated or recreated at any other time in our year. But that hamburger. It was the best of the summer.

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