Monday, August 23, 2010

i love the rain

... and my Meat Fabrication and Identification class. One of the cool things about the curriculum here is that is builds on itself and all the professors know about what the other ones are teaching/have taught you. When my meat teacher mentioned terroir (the taste of a place) today I got really excited because I know what that is and all the wonderful memories of my Gastronomy class came rushing back.

I started a series of e-mails with my mom about her $34,000 fact of the day (because that's how much its costing us to send me here) and I thought I would share the wealth of knowledge. So today's $34,000 fact of the day is:

The reason vacuum sealed meat often looks dark purple is because of a lack of oxygen. Once the meat is exposed to air again it will return to its characteristic bright red color. If the meat is exposed to oxygen for an extended period of time it will turn a dull gray/brown which can sometimes be an indicator of spoilage. This is all due to the protein myoglobin which stores oxygen. If you are cutting up a slab of raw meat, the inside is often dark purple but as it sits on your cutting board, it will turn red before your eyes, watch it happen, its wicked cool. I might have done that today during class.

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