Wednesday, August 24, 2011

St. Andrew's

After returning from extern I now have the opportunity to eat at Apple Pie Bakery or St. Andrew's Cafe 1 time each day. My lunch at St. Andy's today was one of the best meals I've had at CIA.

My first course was a roasted beet and asparagus salad, composed of tender cooked asparagus and candy-sweet roasted baby beets as a garnish for baby greens tossed in a sherry vinaigrette atop a cold potato salad. It was an elegant, fresh salad.

My main course was 2 pieces of sauteed Baramundi propped on a bed of spaghetti cut squash served over polenta fries with a warm tomato sauce. Everything was delicious. The fish by itself was juicy and well seasoned with a sexy, crisp skin. The squash was tender and full flavored, easy to eat and stellar by itself. Polenta fries were creamy polenta cut in strips and breaded to create a crisp outside as a perfect balance to the unctuous center. The tomatoes were sweet and sassy, full flavored and unexpectedly accented with orange. Each component demanded respect of its own, but they joined together humbly and created a magnificent harmony.

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