Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The image of young African children with large bellies is almost misleading because it appears for an instant that the children are overfed when in fact their inflated belly is really a sign of starvation. Distended bellies are a symptom of a malnutrition condition called kwashiorkor or "kwash" for short. In short, the belly becomes swollen with fluid because there is not enough protein in the body to maintain healthy cells. The lack of protein allows the cells to break down and the fluid that would normally be contained within the cell walls is released. The swelling commonly occurs in the abdomen but can implement itself in other areas of the body as well, such as the legs which is the case of the little boy in the video below.

The cure for kwash is protein and depending on the severity of the case the symptoms can be reversed in as little as one week. Here is the video my Nutrition professor shared with us about the treatment of kwash.

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