Tuesday, August 30, 2011

meetings, projects, and L-block

Nothing teaches you to manage your time like multi-tasking, deadlines, and projects. This 6 week block of classes following your return from extern is referred to as L-block because each 3 week block has an letter associated with it, we started with A or B-block and now we're at L-block which is full of projects, meetings, and powerpoint presentations. As you can imagine, L-block is often purposefully mis-pronounced. I am glad the powerpoints are about ways to incorporate vitamins in a vegetarian diet or analysis of a local restaurant's management style, which are topics that I can relate to and I find interesting. However, the day is starting to loom though where I just might jump out of my skin if I don't start peeling onions or sprinkling salt between my finger tips. I miss the kitchen.

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