Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oatmeal: the perfect dorm food

This morning I ate a gigantic bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and was so greatful that I had made such a good decision to put it on my pre-college grocery shopping list because its AWESOME! I LOVE oatmeal! And I love everything about it, its healthy (whole grain), easy, cheap, versatile, convenient, has a good shelf life, and it takes up a small amount of room. It is perfect dorm food. I put dried apricots, sliced 1/2 an apple, a big bunch of oatmeal, and water in bowl and then cooked it in my microwave until it was thick. Added some sugar and cinnamon, and it was delicious. I love awesome breakfasts.

Today we learned the slicing, small dicing, and chiffonading techniques. I tend to have a huge streak of attention to detail that some people might call crazy. Well, let me tell you when my chef gave me exact measurements today for these knife cuts (1/4x 1/4 x 1/4 for small dice) my "attention to detail" got very comfortable. I could feel the knots forming in my shoulders as I crouched over my cutting board. My feet were twisting all around, doing anything but standing flat on the ground, and I was measuring like a maniac. Some people would hate something like that. If I were measuring bricks or threads for a carpet, or anything else, I would hate it. But I didn't, I loved it. I want to go back tomorrow and cut more. In fact, I have potatoes in my room and I'm practicing in the morning before I go back to class. I loved obsessing over these tiny details and trying and trying again to get something right. I like to see my progress and I like to see my results. I was proud to look at the mound of onions on my tray and say, "Now that's a slice!" Precision is perfection.

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