Friday, January 7, 2011


In the dead of winter here in New York (complete with 5 inches of snow today), I ate raspberries for breakfast this morning. They were pretty darn good. Its kind of cool, this idea of get whatever you want, when you want, wherever you want it. Eating sweet, bright raspberries reminded me of the warmth of the sun and summer break.

What's not cool is how much fuel those raspberries needed to travel to me in New York. While they were good, I would not say they are worth the 3,000 miles they traveled from California and the ozone depleting gases that were emitted in order for me to eat them in my fruit salad.

I also ate sliced tomato on my portabello sandwich at dinner tonight. Anyone who's eaten a tomato still warm from the garden, knows they are not winter fruit but the epitome of summer.

So while I ate very un-seasonal produce today...

What foods did you eat that are directly related to seasonality and/or are responsible choices for our environment?

1 comment:

  1. Leah, I love you and I appreciate that you are aware of the story behind your food. Keep up the research and critical thinking my friend!
