Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Quantity Food Production/K-16/Jones Dairy Kitchen

It's another Day 1 and I'm not going to lie, I'm starting to feel like the big kid on campus. I'm totally not at all but its cool seeing the kids with name tags walking around for their orientation, knowing that I've been here long enough to make it to K-16 (the kitchen number for the class Quantity Food Production).I'm only at the end of my second semester but there is a certain amount of awe and respect for the students in K-16. Up until this point, the kitchens that feed other students have done between 70-90 plates of food for lunch or dinner. As the name implies, Quantity Food Production is about producing food in large volumes. We make between 300-400 plates of food at each meal. Its really quite a cool thing because its so different than cooking one chicken breast at a time or boiling one box of pasta. We sold 16 lbs of pasta today and cooked them in an amount of boiling water equivalent to a small bath tub.

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