Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I am finished with Introduction to Management and Nutrition, which means 2 more classes (Costing and Menus) and I'm done with L-block!

Not that I didn't like these classes, I'll be honest, I did. I think they were beneficial because they taught skills we don't learn in the kitchen and gave names to the experiences we have. For example, in Management I learned that when a supervisor treats you as though you are inherently lazy and is always surprised when you finish a task to their specified standards, they posses what is called Theory X Leadership. This Leadership theory includes the belief that work is unnatural to people, people are lazy and will avoid work, and finally they need to be threatened, coerced, or bribed in order to get work done.

I'm also a little more than excited to get back into my whites and carry my knife bag to class on Tuesday morning.

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