Monday, August 8, 2011

"AND I'M BACK AGAIN!" said Leah with a monumental crash

My parents used to read this book to my sister when she was a little girl, and the above saying has now become a family favorite to yell upon arrival at home (as the character, Nora does in the book).

I returned to CIA, last Monday afternoon to warmth, sunshine, and the campus I love just the way I remembered it. Except this summer, I'm a little more jaded and I know that soon this place will be so disturbingly cold these warm moments will seem almost impossible to remember so what do I do--- but walk around barefoot, eat juicy strawberries, and smile at the sun each time it blinds me in the face.

CIA has adopted a new curriculum that I know little about other than that it includes the extinction of 3 week block classes. However, I am continuing my education here in the 3 week class format, except for this initial block back which is 6 weeks consisting of 5 classes: Introduction to Management, Restaurant Law, Controlling Cost and Purchasing, Menu Development, and Nutrition. The schedule is similar to normal college with Tues/Wed and Thurs/Fri classes. I have been surprised by the amount of effort it requires to transition from standing at a kitchen counter constantly moving, working, and changing as I was on extern, to sitting at a desk. I am reminded all over again, that I'm a kitchen person not an office person.

Today was a Special Project Day, which allows students an independent study day and an opportunity for faculty and staff to have meetings. Today was also an opportunity to volunteer in the one kitchen that was providing food to the entire school, because the students cook the food for our meal plan, so no class=no food. I worked with a student from Miami today who taught me how to make the best tostones I've ever eaten. They were twice fried and dipped in a seasoned lime-garlic bath to give them a wonderful flavor. Yum yum.

Finally, I had an incredible experience on externship. I was inspired, challenged, and strengthened. I was at the right place at the right time...not sure I could ask for anything more.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! You're back! Thanks for taking us along on your fabulous ride! Love you......
