Saturday, October 16, 2010

literally a lovely opportunity

This was how my Saturday started. I was riding my wonderful bike, Blue Thunder, over the Mid Hudson Bridge with the Chefs Sustaining Agriculture group and we were on our way to a farm.

The Hudson Valley is just a spectacular place this time of year. I repeatedly caught my breath in chest because I couldn't believe how beautiful the trees were, how nicely the sun was shining, and how blue the sky was. It was just a gorgeous day.

The CIA, like so many colleges, has oodles and oodles of opportunities, clubs, trips, and events to participate in. Saturday's agenda was as follows:

  1. Meet at 7:30 a.m. on a Saturday
  2. Ride bikes to Liberty View Farm- pick apples, talk to farmer, farm tour
  3. Ride bikes to the Village Tea Room for lunch- eat
  4. Return on bikes to campus
The whole trip was such an awesome idea and a great way to spend a beautiful October Saturday. I also met really cool people, slept really well Saturday night, and ate superb apples.

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