Thursday, August 26, 2010

"you should write home about this..."

That's what I was told about my opportunity today in meat class. "Civilians don't get to do this," my instructor continued as I cracked apart the ribs of a pork loin. It was such a satisfying and swift maneuver, my heart could be nothing but proud.

Here's my challenge: get a big old honking piece of meat and learn how to break it down. It's worth it because you will now have such an appreciation for what you're eating, there are so many extra "underutilized" pieces of meat on these animals that we don't eat but are perfectly tasty (my new favorite cut of beef is sirloin flap...mmmmm, try finding that in your local grocery store, and if you do, let me know because I want some more), and best of all its fun. Making those cuts along the bones and creating perfectly useful pieces of meat out of a huge confusing hunk of flesh renders a type of unparalleled satisfaction.

1 comment:

  1. ...and when you write home, send pictures! I want to see some of that fabulous food you are eating!
